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Why We Do It

At Staff Performance we are about enabling the development of people and organisations through the relevant and meaningful feedback provided by our online systems. 

The benefits of having such systems for review, appraisal and feedback are many.  Their value to any organisation can never be discounted.


Organisational Dialogue

This lies at the heart of everything to do with reviews, appraisals and feedback and in many ways provides the keystone to every other potential benefit.  If there are not constant, well defined, formal channels for feedback and review within an organisation then the ability of that organisation to effectively assess the past, plan for the future, and to both listen to and develop its people is seriously impaired.  The possible results of this are very serious. 

Staff Performance uses its online review and appraisal systems to help you keep this organisational dialogue going, allowing you to reap the benefits, which are many and various for both the individual and the organisation.


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