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Multi-rater Performance Appraisal

Staff Performance also provides online extensive systems to facilitate and support staff appraisals. Our online processes allow managers responsible for staff appraisals in your organisation to manage every step of the appraisal system in a way that generates the best possible value for both the organisation and the individuals who make it up.  Managers can schedule appraisals, agree actions and opportunities for development, track progress and much more using our online multi-rater appraisal. As with our other systems, our Staff Appraisal system also allows for the the full involvement of coaches in order to best support managers in getting the best from their people.  Our aim is to help provide people with meaningful feedback which allows people to both develop themselves and benefit your organisation.

To find out more about how our 360° systems can benefit your organisation click here.
To see working examples of our systems visit our Member Area.






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