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Our systems are developed to lead the field of on-line assessment in every aspect. We are constantly honing and adding to our thinking. To ensure the highest performance all our on-line systems have the following features:


All our systems are secure.  The data contained within them is protected so the only people who can access it are the people you want to.


Our systems have been tried and tested over a number of years - and they work.  You can have full confidence that the outputs produced are correct.


Our systems are designed to be developed and changed if required.  They are not fixed and limited 'off the peg' solutions.  It's our aim to give our clients what is best for them, not what is easiest for us.


We are able to merge our systems with your existing intra- or extra-net.  This means people accessing the services do not need to visit third party sites or move away from your own online presence.  24/7 accessibility is a  feature of all our systems

Easy to get up and running...

Each person is given their own space in the system from which they can access every possible activity, from 360° Individual Reviews to 360° Project Reviews, from seeking feedback from others to giving it back, or even setting up appraisals.   As such they are driven by the people undertaking them. Our processes become owned by the individuals involved in them - they are something that people do rather than just having done to them.

...and then to control

Our systems are transparent. Our systems keep you in control.  The person at the very top of your organisation can review all the records on the system and so keep in close touch with what is useful for, and indeed driving the business.  Our systems are fully searchable, allowing you to easily identify your best people and areas.

Easy To Use

All our systems are designed to be easy to use.  Where necessary full training is provided.

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