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For the Individual

Individuals are provided with hugely powerful, relevant and structured feedback through our services.  This feedback provides them with the opportunity to change and develop themselves in a variety of ways.

  • Identifies Strengths and Weaknesses. Individuals are shown, in a structured, formal manner which areas of of their behaviour and performance are viewed as effective and which aren't.  A personal development plan can then be created in order to catalyse improvement.
  • Increases Self Awareness.  We all have an internal picture of ourselves and how we are perceived by others.  It's not always right!  To have this self image checked and potentially challenged in a controlled way, and courses of action for improvement suggested, benefits both the individual and their organisation.
  • Focuses on the Future. We help people focus on objectives rather than achievements, and so get them actively thinking about their own development - what they can do in order to become more effective.  People are required to set targets and then take personal responsibility for reaching and exceeding them.
  • Identifies Personal Needs.  As well as helping to focus people on doing things for themselves people can also be helped to identify the help they need from others - often management - to reach these objectives.  Coupled with this the process imparts to people the confidence to ask for this help.
  • Increases Empowerment.  Our online systems put individuals in control.  Appraisal and assessment systems move away from being a process which is 'done to' people and toward something which people actively do themselves.  Our online systems, in the way that they give each person involved their own electronic space to manage reviews and appraisals, enables people to own their feedback and own their development needs and improvement opportunities.
  • Provides an Opportunity for Feedback to Organisation.  Feedback systems must be two-way.  As such, our online systems provide an effective conduit for feedback from individuals to the organisation, further involving and motivating the workforce.


For the Organisation

Appraisals and reviews must be a two way process.  When they are both the individual and the organisation benefit.  Potential benefits for the organisation include:

  • Enables Culture/Organisational Change.  Probably the most most powerful use of an appraisal or review system is as an aid to organisational change.  A properly designed and managed process provides both the data and the drivers to advance a programme of organisation-wide change and improvement, whilst at the same time providing all the other benefits of an appraisal or review system.
  • Compares Organisational Aims with Individual Aims. Getting alignment between an organisation and its people is vital.  A process of appraisal and review allows an organisation access to data which confirms to what extent its aims and the aims of its people align and to what extent remedial action is required.
  • Helps in Planning Organisational Strategy.  Data from reviews and assessments enable the organisation to better plan strategically for the future by becoming more aware of its people and practices.
  • Identifies Training Needs. Training needs, and the effectiveness of training can be identified.  This can be at an individual or organisational level.
  • Identifies the Best and Worst People, Teams and Projects.  Our online systems allow you to identify to what extent people achieve and to what extent they possess the potential to achieve.  The underlying reasons as to whether they do or not can also be uncovered.  This allows informed decisions to ultimately be made about who the organisation keeps and develops and who it doesn't.  The same principle can be applied to teams and projects.  Our systems are fully searchable
  • Highlights Job and Succession Planning.  The skills and potential of people can be highlighted so job and succession issues can be better planned and managed.  People can be better and more efficiently matched to present and future roles within the organisation.  Recruitment needs can also be identified.
  • Equitable Remuneration Policies.  Remuneration can be a thorny problem but our systems allow for equitable and measurable agreements to be put in place to lessen the likelihood of resentment and disaffection getting in the way of improved performance.
  • Disseminates Values.  If the avowed values of your organisation are not held by its people then our effective review and appraisal systems will show this and allow action to be taken to remedy the situation. It also provides a conduit to alter values to match the organisational vision.
  • Disseminates Behaviours.  What people actually do, the behaviours that they demonstrate, is the biggest factor on how any organisation performs.  As with values, our systems help to ensure the effective and targeted dissemination of the behaviours that you want to see.
  • Motivates of Workforce.  A good 360° review and appraisal system motivates people.  The organisation is demonstrating by putting it in place that it cares about its people and their development and values their input into the process above everything else.
  • Feedback to the Organisation.  Organisations are not omniscient and are just as capable as individuals of getting things wrong.  Our systems ensure an honest and open dialogue between individuals and the organisation.

To see working examples of our systems visit our Member Area.

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